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01 Jan
12 Linux Chown Command Examples to Change Owner and Group
Category: Tutorials
The concept of owner and groups for files is fundamental to Linux. Every file is associated with an owner and a group. You can use chown and chgrp commands to change the owner or t...
28 Oct
Strategic Plans for Integrating Technology
Category: Technology
Advances in technology drive a great amount of the change that occurs in business organizations. The competitive advantage in today’s business environment includes, in great ...
23 Aug
How to re-enable your Wi-Fi in Ubuntu after being disabled
Category: Tutorials
  I have been researching for days after my wireless adapter was disabled mysteriously. I later found out that the wireless adapter was disabled due to an update which enabled my s...
23 Aug
Updating / Changing The Hostname On Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server
Category: Tutorials
I recently downloaded Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server on my Windows 10 test machine running VMware Workstation 14 Pro so I can do some testing. By far the big changes coming will be notice...
03 Jun
Configure Static IP Addresses On Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server
Category: Tutorials
I have just started testing Ubuntu 18.04 . The first thing I noticed was how different it handles network interfaces. The way Ubuntu manages network interfaces has completely chang...
01 Jun
Shell command to bulk change file extensions in a directory (Linux)
Category: Tutorials
This article will explain how to change the file extension for all files in a directory in Linux using a simple bash shell command. 1. Change from one extension to another The comm...
02 May
Company launches new software channel
Category: History
Emerson acquires Aperture, a leading provider of data center management software. Emerson reported 140,700 employees worldwide that year.
01 May
Paves the way for an eventual merger
Category: History
Emerson sales reach $17.1 billion, an 11 percent increase over the prior year. Emerson airs its first-ever TV commercials to spotlight.
21 Apr
Three quarters of construction workers victim of large-scale
Category: Awards, Business
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